Foot, ankle , and toe conditions


  • Very common injury to the ligaments of the ankle. More commonly affects the ligaments on the outer portion of the ankle. The most commonly sprained ligament is the ATFL(anterior talo-fibular ligament). Occurs from rolling the ankle inward causing a sprain or tearing of the ligament. Severity can vary and healing times can vary from 2-4 weeks. In some cases surgery may be required to reattach the torn ligament. Physical therapy will improve ROM, strength, balance, and proprioception(joint position sense).

Plantar Fascitis

  • Very common diagnosis affecting the tissue on the bottom of the foot. Usually very painful with first steps in the morning and gets better with activity. Physical therapy improves flexibility, foot mobility, ROM and strength of the surrounding structures of the foot. Some equipment may be recommended to help improve ROM and flexibility.

Post Surgical

Bunion Corrective Surgery

  • If surgery is neccessary to correct a bunion physical therapy is usually recommended afterward to improve mobility, ROM, strength and flexibility of the toe foot and ankle structures.

Ankle Ligament Reconstruction

  • Surgery may be required to repair or reconstruct a ligament or multiple ligaments of the ankle. Crutches may be recommended for a short period of time and then physical therapy is recommended to improve ROM, break up scar tissue, improve strength, improve proprioception, improve balance, and gradually return the patient to prior level of function. A surgical protocol is followed to ensure healing and reduce the risk of damaging the surgical graft.

Ankle Replacement

  • In some cases of severe osteoarthritis, an ankle replacement may be performed. This surgery involves removing the damaged cartilage and bone and replacing them with a prosthetic ankle. Recovery times may vary but most individuals are performing actives of daily living within 3-4 months. Physical therapy will improve ROM, reduce pain, improve strength, improve balance and improve gait pattern.