Physical Therapy
What is Physical Therapy?
Physical Therapy is an area of medicine that involves rehabilitating an injury and taking a person from an injured state where they are having limitations to a state where they have been rehabilitated and are experiencing less limitations and difficulty in life.
What are the benefits of PT?
The benefits of PT include improving pain, range of motion, strength, endurance, and posture to improve a person’s ability to move and function in life. Goals are established in the initial evaluation and a treatment plan is established to gradually and progressively educate the client to move and improve towards the goals.
How are we different from conventional PT at a clinic?
At ZOOZ Wellness we believe in empowering our patients and making them an active part of the rehabilitation process. We evaluate the whole body and look at multiple systems: including the musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, and fascial systems to come up with a comprehensive diagnosis. We make sure our clients understand the diagnosis and the treatment plan. We make sure the client understands the process of progression and gradual improvement. We encourage our clients to build habits that will not only allow them to improve and feel better now but also in the future. We do all of this from the comfort of your home by providing treatment through various mediums(in person house calls, telehealth).
What will treatment look like?
We utilize a variety of treatment approaches including: modifying activity to reduce strain and injury, mobilization of joints, mobilization of fasica with cupping, massage and IASTM, Muscle energy techniques, neuromuscular re education(getting the body to hold and remember better movement patterns), strengthening, flexibility drills, and functional activity training.
How long is each sessions?
The Initial evaluation is 1 hour long, and includes the evaluation, some initial treatment and an intoduction exercise plan to start working toward the clients goals.
Follow up sessions are 45 minutes and typically include some combination of client education, hands on treatment(cupping, massage, joint mobilization, IASTM) neuromuscular re-education, therapeutic exercise, gait training, balance activities.